Making novel discoveries in the biology underlying normal development and cancer progression.

Our Focus

Ongoing research across a wide spectrum of biomedicine and the life sciences; including biochemistry, stem cell biology, immunology, molecular genetics, molecular medicine and gene therapy.

The Terry Fox Laboratory (TFL) has expertise in diverse research areas, including mammalian systems, normal and malignant mammary tissues, lineage specification in the gut, and yeast genetics. Experimental approaches employed at TFL include genetically engineered models, patient xenograft models, in vitro cell based assays, highly dimension single cell phenotyping, molecular biology and biochemistry, DNA regulation, transcriptomics, epigenetics, and DNA repair. In recent years, TFL has placed emphasis on the development of new technologies and their use to address fundamental questions in the control of cell growth and differentiation, aging, and gene regulation.

Blood Cancer

Working with innovative model systems and patients our research addresses the root causes of leukemias and myeloma and is developing new tools for their diagnosis, characterization and treatment.

Genome Dynamics

Genes influence every aspect of human biology and disease. We are studying how our genes and genomes are faithfully maintained as we age and the complex ways in which they are regulated to control development or are dysregulated during cancer formation.

Stem Cells

Stem cells are critical components in healthy aging and tumour suppression since they enable the development and maintenance of adult tissues. We are working to understand how stem cell properties enable blood, breast and liver development and how these properties are co-opted in cancers.

Research Labs & Principal Investigators

Emeritus Scientists

News & Events

BC Cancer researchers receive Cancer Research Society’s Doctoral Research Awards

BC Cancer researchers receive Cancer Research Society’s Doctoral Research Awards

Three BC Cancer graduate students are 2024 recipients of Doctoral Research Awards from the Cancer Research Society (CRS), receiving new funding to support their innovative research aimed at better understanding cancer.

Doctoral Research Awards recipients 

Doctoral Research Awards invests in the future of cancer research through the support of graduate students pursuing cancer research at an eligible Canadian institution.

Recipients of 2024 BC Cancer Emerging Multidisciplinary Research Programs Announced

BC Cancer’s 2024 Cancer Emerging Multidisciplinary Research Programs supports research teams to initiate novel multidisciplinary research projects that aim to tackle well-defined issues or problems that affect patients living with cancer or at risk of developing cancer. Funding for the programs is provided through the BC Ministry of Health in collaboration with the BC Cancer Foundation.

2024 Emerging Multidisciplinary Research Programs Recipients: 

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