Student Life at LCR Department

The LCR department provides mentorship for students and trainees through:

  • Graduate programs (MSc and PhD)

  • Post-doctoral fellowships

  • Co-operative work terms (undergraduate placements)

Please contact our administrative staff with a copy of your CV if you are interested in pursuing a studentship with us! 


The BCCRC Graduate Student and Post Doctoral Society (GrasPods) is a trainee-run society whose mission is to further enrich the wonderful training environment at BC Cancer by providing academic, social, and personal well-being support for their members. 

GrasPods events include:

  • Academic Workshops
  • Sports
  • Trainee Lunches
  • Jobs in Science Interview Series

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Affiliated Departments

UBC Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

The UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is an academic department of the UBC Faculty of Medicine, and has major responsibilities and leadership in activities related to education, research and academic practice.

Dr. Christian Steidl and Dr. David Scott are both faculty members in this department.

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UBC Bioinformatics Graduate Program

The Bioinformatics Graduate Program offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees to students doing research in the field of bioinformatics.  The interdisciplinary graduate program, administered by the Faculty of Science, combines training in both biological and computational methodologies.

Dr. Christian Steidl is an associate faculty member of this department.

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Interdisciplinary Oncology Program

The Interdisciplinary Oncology Program offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees to students doing research in a variety of fields relating to oncology. Those fields include: molecular and cellular biology, genetics, biophysics, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical sciences, radiological sciences, immunology, molecular pathology, socio-behavioural studies, epidemiology and health economics. 

Dr. Christian Steidl is an associate faculty member of this department.

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Department of Medicine

The Department of Medicine offers opportunities and facilities for advanced studies in Experimental medicine, leading toward the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. Specialties within the Experimental Medicine Program include: Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Immunology, Medical Oncology, Molecular Biology, Nephrology, Neurology and Respiratory Medicine.

Dr. David Scott is an assistant professor in this department.

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