Dr. Regier is Senior Scientist at the BC Cancer Research Institute, Associate Professor at the School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia (UBC), and Associate Director of the Academy of Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UBC. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Regier’s research has examined translational medicine, regulatory science, and the economics of precision medicine, generating patient-oriented and real-world evidence for sustainable learning healthcare systems.
Dr. Regier has been a successful applicant in research grants nationally (Genome Canada, Genome British Columbia, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research) and internationally (US National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Health and Care Research) holding over $19 million in funding as principle investigator and $61 million as co-investigator. He has presented his work at leading international academic institutions, with invitations from the US National Academies of Sciences, Australian Genomics, Harvard University, and University of Oxford.
Dr. Regier's work is published in leading academic journals including The Journal of Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Nature Reviews Genetics, Genetics in Medicine, and Value in Health. Embedded as part of the BC Cancer Research Institute, Dr. Regier's research lab employs 14 early career researchers, research staff, and graduate-level trainees. Currently, Dr. Regier is an Associate Editor at journal Value in Health and serves as the economist for BC’s Drug Benefit Council, which makes evidence-informed recommendations to the Ministry of Health for the inclusion of therapeutics on the PharmaCare program formulary.
Associate Director for the Academy of Translational Medicine (ATM), Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Associate Professor at the School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
BA (High Honors) in Economics, University of Saskatchewan, CANADA
MA in Economics, Carleton University, CANADA
PhD in Health Economics, University of Aberdeen, UK
Fulford Junior Research Fellow, Somerville College, University of Oxford