As a co-investigator on this project and leader of the GE3LS research activities, Dr. Regier leads the health economics activities of the LSARP project. The health economic aims of the relapsed lymphoma project looks at the health-system impact and socioeconomic implications of genomics-informed relapsed care for lymphoid cancer patients. This will be achieved through four main aims, including: understanding preferences for biomarker-informed relapse care from patient, general public, clinician and decision-maker perspectives; quantifying preference-based utility for this care through the use of discrete choice experiment methods; development of a patient decision support tool to assist patients with the decision to undergo genomic testing; and estimation of the cost effectiveness and budget impact of biomarker-informed relapse care for the four most common types of lymphoid cancers.
Deciphering the genome biology of relapsed lymphoid cancers to improve patient management – Genome Canada, CIHR, BC Cancer Foundation
BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer, which includes BC Cancer Research. Together with our donors, we are changing cancer outcomes for British Columbians by funding innovative research and personalized treatment and care.