Are you between 18 and 65 years old?

Do you live in BC?

Do you work night shift or day shift?

We want to hear from you!

About the study: 

British Columbians are employed in jobs that involve night shift work. Night shift work has been linked to increased risks of cancer. To protect the health of night shift workers, we are conducing a research study aimed at understanding the biological mechanisms by which night shift work causes cancer. One possible mechanism involves the disruption of gut microbes, whose normal functioning is critical to maintaining good health. 

Please visit the [PROJECT PAGE] for more details about the study.  

Eligibility criteria:

  • Between 18 and 65 years of age
  • Live and work in British Columbia
  • Be a night shift or day shift worker
  • Night shift worker primarily works night shifts (at least three nights per week of ≥7 hours ending no earlier than 6am) and does not work from home for the past 6 months or more
  • Day shift worker works only day shifts (at least three days per week of ≥7 hours ending no later than 6pm) and does not work from home for the past 6 months or more
  • Have a regular bowl movement
  • No personal history of cancer or diagnosed sleep disorder (e.g., sleep apnea, narcolepsy)
  • No trans-meridian travel in the past 3 months 
  • Not currently using melatonin supplements
  • Not antibiotic prescription in the past 6 months
  • Not currently pregnant 

To complete an eligibility assessment, please click on the link [ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT]. 

If the link does not work, try copying the link into your web browser:

Upon completion of the study, you will receive a token of appreciation for your time.

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