BC Cancer’s Personalized OncoGenomics (POG) Program is a world-leading initiative applying whole-genome and transcriptome analysis (WGTA) to inform real-time treatment decisions for patients with advanced, hard-to-treat cancers. Dr. Dean Regier is an active member of POG’s management committee and since 2015, has worked closely with POG’s clinical and genetics leaders to develop a framework for assessing the early-stage value of WGTA. This framework involves the application of quasi-experimental matching methods alongside analyses of population-based linked administrative health data. Using a mixed methods approach, Dr. Regier’s CCR research lab PACER is estimating the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of WGTA compared to standard care with a view to support POG program optimization. By engaging key stakeholders,PACER is also generating estimates of preference-based value and predicting future uptake of WGTA to guide advanced cancer care.
Cost-effectiveness of BC Cancer’s Personalized OncoGenomics Program – BC Cancer Foundation, Genome British Columbia
BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer, which includes BC Cancer Research. Together with our donors, we are changing cancer outcomes for British Columbians by funding innovative research and personalized treatment and care.