Eleah (she/her) has been a dietitian at BC Cancer- Victoria since 2014. Her research, funded by Michael Smith Health Research BC, the Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation, and the BC Cancer Foundation investigates diet interventions that trigger metabolic adaptions with potential implications in cancer prevention and control. She is currently leading a series of trials alongside Dr. Nicol Macpherson, Medical Oncologist at BC Cancer- Victoria, and Dr. Julian Lum, Senior Scientist at BC Cancer’s Deeley Research Centre.
Inspired by patient-identified information needs, Eleah is also coordinating the development of a decision support tool for patients with head and neck cancer, as a collaboration between BCC and the University of Victoria. Based in relational and patient-oriented methodologies, she’s keen to further engage and collaborate with patients, community, and academia.
Research Assistant: Leanne Beet
Current Students: Alexa Tran, Aris Tai, Jaeli Ibbetson, Janet Ho
Alumni: Greg Moore, Kyle Fernandez, Shelby Cender, Simran Sappal