Participants needed for the Night Shift Work and Gut Microbiome

Eligibility criteria:

  • Between 18 and 65 years of age
  • Live and work in British Columbia
  • Be a night shift or day shift worker
    • Night shift worker primarily works night shifts (at least three nights per week of ≥7 hours ending no earlier than 6am) and does not work from home for the past 6 months or more
    • Day shift worker works only day shifts (at least three days per week of ≥7 hours ending no later than 6pm) and does not work from home for the past 6 months or more
  • Have a regular bowel movement
  • No personal history of cancer or diagnosed sleep disorder (e.g., sleep apnea, narcolepsy)
  • No trans-meridian travel in the past month 
  • Not currently using melatonin supplements
  • Not antibiotic prescription in the past month
  • Not currently pregnant 

An overview of the study

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