The BC Generations Project, BC’s largest-ever health study, follows a cohort of nearly 30,000 BC participants who volunteer their health information and biological samples to help researchers learn more about how environment, lifestyle and molecular factors contribute to cancer and other chronic diseases.
They are part of a national initiative - The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow's Health (CanPath), Canada’s largest group of volunteer research participants. More than 330,000 Canadians aged 30-74 years have joined from six regional cohorts—BC Generations Project, Alberta’s Tomorrow Project, Manitoba Tomorrow Project, Ontario Health Study, CARTaGENE, and Atlantic PATH. With these resources, this initiative is among the largest population cohorts in the world, and is listed on the Cohort Consortium page of U.S. based National Cancer Institute’s website. With a rich collection of data and biosamples, this project is an invaluable tool for scientists hoping to develop new ways to detect and prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.