MSc/PhD students- RNA biology in stem cells in normal and malignant blood cancers – Vu lab
We are looking for outstanding, motivated graduate students to join our team to explore the world of RNA biology in the context of stem cell regulation during normal and malignant hematopoiesis. Our ultimate goal is to translate our knowledge and discovery of the molecular mechanism underlying disease transformation to develop innovative therapy to improve stem cell potentials or treatment of blood cancers.
Our competitive research plan encompasses of several generously supported projects involving the use of human and mouse models, primary patient samples of hematologic malignancies and cutting-edge technologies. The Vu lab is a part of Terry Fox Laboratory, the world class and highly collaborative research unit at BC Cancer and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC. The Vu lab has a strong interest and expertise in translational cancer research with several collaborations at major international institutions worldwide. Trainees are directly involved in all aspects of project development, planning and collaborations.
Interested candidates should send a a statement of research interest, curriculum vitae, transcripts and contact details for 3 referees to:
Ly P. Vu, PhD
Scientist, Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC
Email: lvu[at]