Book Cover

Authors: Ramesh Chandra & Arman Rahmim
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer (Nov. 2017; Philadelphia, PA)
Edition: 8th

Book or eBook at: Amazon (USCanadaUK, etc.), Google (with Preview)Wolters Kluwer

We also use this textbook for our Nuclear Medicine Physics Course.

Overview of Book: Part of the renowned The Basics series of medical physics books, and originally authored by Dr. Chandra, this has been a classic text for nuclear medicine, molecular imaging and radiology residents, fellows and practitioners, as well as medical physicists and radiologic technologists. This newly co-authored 8th edition includes substantial updates and expansion.

The book (237 pages) covers a wide range of topics on radioactivity, radiopharmaceuticals, in vitro and in vivo detection, radiation dosimetry/risk/regulations, imaging devices (gamma camera, SPECT, PET), quality assurance, image reconstruction/processing, etc., with 18 chapters :

  1. Basic Review
  2. Nuclides and Radioactive Processes
  3. Radioactivity: Law of Decay, Half-Life, and Statistics
  4. Production of Radionuclides
  5. Radiopharmaceuticals
  6. Interaction of High-Energy Radiation with Matter
  7. Radiation Dosimetry
  8. Detection of High-Energy Radiation
  9. In Vitro Radiation Detection
  10. In Vivo Radiation Detection: Basic Problems, Probes, and Scintillation Camera
  11. Computer Interfacing and Image Processing
  12. Operational Characteristics and Quality Control of a Scintillation Camera
  13. Emission computed tomography (ECT), General Principles
  14. Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
  15. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  16. Detectability or Final Contrast in an Image
  17. Biological Effects of Radiation and Risk Evaluation from Radiation Exposure
  18. Methods of Safe Handling of Radionuclides and Pertaining Rules and Regulations

Contact us: If you have any feedback, suggestions or corrections, we would be very glad to hear from you:

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