We are looking for outstanding, motivated graduate students to join the Kuchenbauer Lab, who can share our passion for medicine/science and want to make a difference for patients´ lives.
Our research is mainly translational and focuses on immunotherapies such as allogenic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia. We are driven to improve patients’ lives by addressing clinical “every day” challenges with state of the art research including preclinical animal models. Our goal is to translate our research into clinically applicable therapies. Scientific focuses are hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, hematopoietic stem cells physiology and pathophysiology as well as innovative treatment for Multiple Myeloma.
Interested candidates should send a statement of research interest, curriculum vitae and contact details for 3 referees to Dr. Arefeh Rouhi (arouhi@bccrc.ca).