Katy graduated from the University of Victoria in 2000 with BSc in Microbiology and a number of Co-op terms under her belt. After a few years at a biotechnology company developing antibodies and ELISA kits she was hired as one of the first staff at the Deeley Research Centre in 2003. After a year working on mouse models she embarked on setting up a histology lab in 2004 with no experience but a keen interest in anatomy and physiology. Turns out she had a bit of a knack for it. As her expertise grew, so did the histology core, eventually being formalized into the MCIC in 2016. Today the histology core supports not only DRC projects but a number of other BCCRC researchers in addition to various national and international collaborations including a few industrial partners. Leading a team of dedicated staff and students and offering everything from basic histological services to complex 7 colour immunohistological stains and analysis, Katy is adept at identifying what approaches can best serve any research project and is available for consultations on how the MCIC can help researchers with their questions.
B.Sc. (Microbiology), University of Victoria, 2000