The overall aim of the HI-Q project is to identify, understand, and mitigate harm related to use of technology, in the context of cancer care. Large-scale changes in healthcare, such as implementing a new electronic health record, inevitably bring about unintended consequences, some of which may be inadvertently harmful. The Hi-Q project focuses on identifying and learning from these unintended consequences and developing new strategies to improve care.
The HI-Q project will proceed in two phases: 1) Mixed Methods Study, and 2) Quality Improvement. In Phase 1, the Mixed Methods Study will include a quantitative sociotechnical analysis of past and current reports of harmful events involving computer systems, and a qualitative sociotechnical analysis of interviews with nurses about their use of technology in providing care. Informed by the mixed method study, Phase 2 will focus on collaborating with organizational stakeholders to identify and prioritize areas for improvement, and taking action to advance quality of care.